Escape from Tartarus

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Assorted Different Lives

This journal was found floating in space. Its origins are unknown, its author is unknown, and the truth of the stories that are told in these pages is the subject of much debate.

I never really thought much about the meaning of life. But then, there are people who say I never thought much about anything. That's OK. You don’t need to think very much on a daily run from Earth to Pluto, it all becomes very routine very fast. You could even say mind numbing (Yea, I think saying mind numbing wouldn't be a stretch). It wasn't until my ship was grabbed into some kind of beam and I saw it and all my possessions sail flaming into space that I began to wonder what it all meant. Of course that was after my first thought of - How is everything a flaming in space when space had no oxygen?

I came to find out that what actually happened was I was caught in a field that was intended to freeze time while they studied me (I’ll tell you who they are later). But the field malfunctioned and compressed my tanks to the point that my ship exploded. They pulled me off, not because they were such great humanitarians, but because they didn't want a little accident to prevent them from filling a report and completing their experiments. They had to file a certain number of reports in a certain period of time. Reports that chronicled the movement and thoughts of a race alien to their own. I couldn't tell if there was joy in there work or if it was just duty - either way it was their mission. And they wouldn’t let an accident prevent them from completing that mission.

They are the Bolens. A rather bookish group of aliens that came to our planet millennia ago. As they explained it to me, they came because another group of aliens - the Lubots--had genetically engineered us to be dumber. When the Lobots came to Earth Eons ago, we were using magnet levitation to build the pyramids, performing brain surgery, and waging war. It was the wagging war part that concerned the Lubots. They speculated that at Earth's current rate of intellectual growth, we would, in a few short years, be reaching for the stars and taking our warlike ways with us. To prevent this they reengineered our genes (the part having to do with brain development anyway) so we could no longer understand the science we had. They also made sure it would take a very long time to get back to that place.

When the Bolens heard of this they were appalled. They came to Earth to find out exactly what happened, to help us, to teach us, and to interact with us. After they met us, they decided that the Lubots didn’t have such a bad idea after all.

I can't explain how they told me all this. I guess you could say they just sort of made it known to me. They also told me that others had come to our planet to explore and to meet us. There was one race, fairly new to space travel, that came to our world years be continues


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